Suki Sivam Diwali pattimandram 12-11-2023 Zee Tamil Deepavali Sirappu Nigalchi Special Program

12-11-2023 Zee Tamil Diwali Special Program, Suki Sivam pattimandram Telecast Date, Time, Topic, Title, Result, Winners Speech, Leaders, 12th November 2023 Deepavali Holiday Special Movie, Sirappu Thiraipadam, Sirappu Nigalchi in Zee Tamil

Zee Tamil Telecast on Deepavali Special Movies, Special Programs, Serial Actor Actress Diwali Festival Celebration Events at Same Time Every Diwali (Deepavali) Festival Celebration Special Pattimandram Program Year of 2023 Diwali Festival Suki Sivam pattimandram Morning at 8:30 AM.

Every Year Deepavali Festival Special Pattimandram Selected any of the Topic and Speech about Team Gives Positive Point our team and Negative Point for Opposite Team Members Each Team Three Members Talk about on this Topic Like 12-11-2023 Deepavali Festival Sirappu Pattimandram Title Indria Makkaluku Unavai Patriya Akkarai Valarnthulatha? Kurainthulatha?

Program Name – Deepavali 2023 Special Pattimandram/ Sirappu Suki Sivam Diwali pattimandram

Suki Sivam Deepavali pattimandram Telecast TV Channel – Zee Tamil

Z Tamil Suki Sivam Diwali Special pattimandram Telecast Date and Time – 12-11-2023 at 8 AM

Two Team Members Selected Indria Makkaluku Unavai Patriya Akkarai Valarnthulatha? Kurainthulatha? Title Talke About What is Special for this Topic and Who is Winner and What is Problems Solving in Family Depending in Unavai Patriya Akkarai Valarnthulatha and Unavai Patriya Akkarai Kurainthulatha.

Unavai Patriya Akkarai Valarnthulatha Topic Selective Points Gives for Stage and What is Problem for Food Health How to Solving for Before Taken the Food Veg and Non-Veg Supporting for Unavai Patriya Akkarai Team Speech About How to Interest Food Eating.

Opposite Team Unavai Patriya Akkarai Kurainthulatha Talk about Any Food Selected and Not Interest for Eating and Selective Food Affecting Supporting For Health Why Not Interest for Food Eating Schedule.

Finale pattimandram Leader Suki Sivam Give Result How is Winner of this Topic and Gives Review for Every Speech Supporting for this Year Deepavali Special Pattimantram 12-11-2023 Telecast in Zee Tamil.

At same Time Most Expected From Deepavali Special Pattimantram 2023 Telecast in Sun TV, Kalaignar TV, Mega TV, Vijay TV, Vasanth TV ad Most Leading Tamil Television Expected Veries Topis and Different Titles With Most Leading Pattimantram Leaders.

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